Always in a whirl, from homemade bread to housework to work-work. Come join the fun, the mess, and don't be afraid to tell me if I'm not making any sense!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Day #5

Lots of stumbling today (thanks for the change of view Leah), but I knew it would be that way and planned for it. Two parties, junk food at both, tomorrow will be a good day!

Again, I exercised today, so that's good!

The visit with my dad was great, which made it easier to not over eat (I tend to overeat when stressed). And the visit with our friends was great! He sure makes a mean spaghetti, and we saw the latest Harry Potter movie. WOW!

Tomorrow my goal is to stay within points, and not use any flex points at all. Seems simple enough!

Happy Last Sunday of 2008!

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